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Telegram Raffle Bot

/ 2 min read

Last Updated:

The purpose of this project is to create a Telegram bot for managing raffles, incorporating a referral system and ticket purchases linked to a banking API.

Project Benefits

This project provides a streamlined way to manage raffles on Telegram, allowing users to participate through a referral system and purchase tickets securely via a banking API.

How the Project Works

The project uses Node.js and Redis to create a Telegram bot that facilitates raffle management, tracks referrals, and processes ticket purchases using a banking API.

Repository and Installation

GitHub Repository

To install and use the project:

  1. Clone the repository:

    Terminal window
    git clone
  2. Install dependencies and start the bot:

    Terminal window
    npm install
    npm start

Project Workflow

  1. Setup Project: Initialize the project structure and dependencies.

    Terminal window
    npm init
    npm install
  2. Create Telegram Bot: Set up the bot to connect to Telegram and handle raffle commands.

    const { Telegraf } = require('telegraf');
    const bot = new Telegraf('your-telegram-bot-token');
    bot.start((ctx) => ctx.reply('Welcome to the Raffle Bot!'));
  3. Implement Raffle and Referral Features: Add functionalities for managing raffles, tracking referrals, and processing ticket purchases.

    bot.command('buyticket', (ctx) => {
    const ticketId = generateTicketId();
    const userId =;
    // Process payment through banking API
    processPayment(userId, ticketId).then(() => {
    ctx.reply(`Ticket purchased successfully! Your ticket ID is ${ticketId}`);
    }).catch((err) => {
    ctx.reply('Payment failed. Please try again.');
    bot.command('referral', (ctx) => {
    const referralCode = generateReferralCode();
    ctx.reply(`Share this referral code with friends: ${referralCode}`);
    function generateTicketId() {
    return Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9);
    function generateReferralCode() {
    return Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 6);
    async function processPayment(userId, ticketId) {
    // Implement payment processing with the banking API

Skills Gained

  • Developing Telegram bots with Node.js
  • Integrating Redis for data management
  • Implementing payment processing with a banking API
  • Managing raffles and referral systems