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Fulldroper`s personal site

List of Services I Provide and Their Price

/ 4 min read

I am a computer engineer with extensive experience in web development, programming, and technical project management. I hold a master’s degree in computer engineering from the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute.” Over the years, I have developed multiple web applications, including a travel site, a movie hosting site, and various Discord bots. My tech stack includes Node.js, PHP, MongoDB, and more. I have also worked as a UX/UI designer and contributed to several open-source projects. A logo

Below is a list of services I provide, prices and services are subject to change without notice

Services and Pricing

ServiceDescriptionPrice (UAH)
Site/Desctop app UX/UI DesignDesigning user interfaces and experiencesStarting from ₴1000
Landing PageCreating responsive and engaging landing pagesStarting from ₴2000
Discord Bot DevelopmentCustom Discord bot with dynamic featuresStarting from ₴400
Telegram Bot DevelopmentDeveloping Telegram bots with custom functionalitiesStarting from ₴500
Blog SiteBuilding a fully functional blog siteStarting from ₴2000
Small Android AppDeveloping simple Android applicationsStarting from ₴2000
Desktop AppCreating desktop applications using Electron or similar technologiesStarting from ₴2000
RESTful API DevelopmentBuilding scalable and secure RESTful APIsStarting from ₴400
ConsultationConsulting on technologies listed belowRead more
TrainingPersonalized training on listed technologiesRead more


Consulting on technologies listed below and Process

Consultation Process

  1. Initial Contact: The consultation process begins with a call or a message to discuss the details of the consultation.
  2. Prepayment: A 100% prepayment is required before the consultation session begins.
  3. Consultation Session: During the session, we will communicate online where I will provide guidance on the specified technology. I will assist you in understanding the technology and offer insights on how to solve specific problems you may be facing.

If I was unable to help or have no information on a particular issue, the money can be returned, and I personally inform about it

Technologies Available for Consultation

TechnologyPrice (USD per hour)
Node.js₴70 / hour
Vue.js₴70 / hour
TailwindCSS₴10 / hour
p5.js₴30 / hour
MongoDB₴70 / hour
MySQL₴70 / hour
Redis₴20 / hour
Electron.js₴70 / hour
Discord.js₴70 / hour


Training on technologies listed below and Process

Training Process

  1. Initial Contact: The training process begins with a call or a message to discuss the details of the training service.
  2. Scheduling: We will discuss and agree on the timing and regularity of the lessons.
  3. Payment: Payment is due 100% after each lesson, or if preferred, you may prepay for a set number of lessons in advance.
  4. Lesson Planning: Together, we will outline a lesson plan and determine the topics to be covered.
  5. Online Lessons: The lessons will be conducted online in real-time, where I will guide you through the learning process.

If you don’t like the lessons or want to stop, you can get a refund for unpaid hours if you paid in advance

Technologies Available for Training

TechnologyPrice (USD per hour)
Node.js₴200 / hour
Vue.js₴200 / hour
TailwindCSS₴100 / hour
p5.js₴200 / hour
MongoDB₴200 / hour
MySQL₴200 / hour
Redis₴100 / hour
Electron.js₴200 / hour
Discord.js₴250 / hour

Technology Stack

  • Golang: A powerful, compiled programming language with simple syntax.
  • Node.js: A popular programming language for building server-side applications.
  • React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Vue.js: A front-end framework for building single-page applications.
  • TailwindCSS: A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs.
  • Deno.js: A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine.
  • p5.js: A JavaScript library for creating graphics and interactive content.
  • MongoDB: A powerful, flexible, and scalable NoSQL database.
  • MySQL: A versatile SQL database system for various applications.
  • Redis: An in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker.
  • C++: A general-purpose programming language known for its performance and efficiency.
  • Python: A high-level programming language known for its readability and simplicity.
  • Electron.js: A powerful, cross-platform JavaScript library for building desktop applications.
  • Rust: A modern programming language for performance, safety, and concurrency.
  • Discord.js: A JavaScript library for building bots for Discord.
  • Astro.js: A modern site generator that uses modern JavaScript frameworks.
  • Bun.js: A new JavaScript runtime like Node or Deno.
  • ml5.js: A JavaScript library for creating and exploring machine learning in the browser.
  • Tauri: A framework for building smaller, faster, and more secure desktop applications.

Contact for Orders

To place an order or inquire about services, please reach out via or contact me through [your preferred contact method].