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Color Convertor

/ 2 min read

Last Updated:

The goal of this project was to create a website for quick conversion between various color systems (HEX, HEXA, RGB, RGBA, WEBSAFE, RGB %, RGBA %, and color from an image).

Project Benefits

This project is useful for designers and developers who need a quick and reliable tool for converting between different color formats. example

Project Description

This web tool allows users to input a color in one format and instantly see its equivalent in other formats. It also provides the functionality to extract a color from an uploaded image.

Repository: Color Convertor Website: Color Convertor


Clone the repository and install the dependencies:

Terminal window
git clone
cd color-convertor
npm install


Start the development server:

Terminal window
npm start

Access the tool via the local server URL provided in the terminal output.

Project Workflow

  1. Input Color: Users can input a color in various formats like HEX, RGB, etc.

    // Example of input handling
    function handleColorInput(input) {
    const color = convertToColorObject(input);
  2. Convert Color: The tool converts the input color to all supported formats.

    // Example of color conversion
    function convertToColorObject(input) {
    // Conversion logic here
    return {
    hex: toHex(input),
    rgb: toRgb(input),
    // Other formats
  3. Display Results: The converted colors are displayed to the user.

    // Example of updating the display
    function updateDisplay(color) {
    document.getElementById('hex').textContent = color.hex;
    document.getElementById('rgb').textContent = color.rgb;
    // Other formats

Skills Acquired

  • Proficiency in JavaScript
  • Understanding of color conversion algorithms
  • Experience with frontend web development
  • Handling user input and dynamic content updates