Hi, I am a computer engineer with a master's degree from the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute." I specialize in web development, programming, and technical project management. Over the years, I have developed multiple web applications and contributed to several open-source projects.
Here are some highlights of my experience:
- Developed a travel site with an admin panel using PHP and MySQL
- Created a hosting site engine for movies and series
- Built a discord bot with advanced functionality using Node.js and MongoDB
- Implemented a web server with security features on Node.js
- Created an application for real-time file synchronization
- Kharkiv Physics and Mathematics Lyceum № 27 🔗
In the lower grades, I attended additional courses in mathematics and logic
- Kharkiv specialized school of I-III degrees №80 🔗
I studied at this school before moving, the school was with an emphasis on foreign languages, such as English, French and German
- Kharkiv comprehensive school of I-III degrees №26 🔗
The school where I studied after the move and before entering the institute
- Computer technology training center 🔗
Studied at several faculties with the following areas: computer literacy, programming, 3D graphics and animation, computer logic and circuitry.
- National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" 🔗
Faculty Computer and Information Technologies 🔗
Specialty of Computer Engineering. Modern programming, mobile devices and computer games.
Feel free to explore my projects on GitHub!