Fulldroper`s personal site

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About me

πŸŽ“ Education

Kharkiv Physics and Mathematics Lyceum β„– 27 πŸ”—
In the lower grades, I attended additional courses in mathematics and logic

Kharkiv specialized school of I-III degrees β„–80 πŸ”—
I studied at this school before moving, the school was with an emphasis on foreign languages, such as English, French and German

Kharkiv comprehensive school of I-III degrees β„–26 πŸ”—
The school where I studied after the move and before entering the institute

Computer technology training center πŸ”—
Studied at several faculties with the following areas: computer literacy, programming, 3D graphics and animation, computer logic and circuitry.

National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" πŸ”—
Faculty Computer and Information Technologies πŸ”—
Specialty of Computer Engineering. Modern programming, mobile devices and computer games.

πŸ‘‘ Achievements

From 2012 to 2014 worked as an administrator in various online stores in Ukraine

From 2013 to 2021 introduced a popular blog on technical sciences and programming

In 2015 graduated from the school of computer technology "KIT"

In 2020 received a bachelor's degree in technical sciences

In 2021 worked on a voluntary basis in the team of fashion developers for the game Garrys Mod, later another month worked there as a UX \ UI designer

In 2022 received a master's degree in computer engineering

In 2022 Bot specially written to create beautiful and more functional offers specially for the "United Ukrainian Speaking Community" server for 10+ thousand users

🌱 Experience

2018, my first website was written, created for a testing course at the institute. It was a travel site with an admin panel and registration of companies offering their services. The work was done in a team. I acted as a back-end developer. The site was written in PHP using a MySQL database.

In 2019, I created a hosting site engine for movies and series in PHP + MySQL.

In the same year, I created a site for shortening links in PHP (using MySQL and storing data in files).

In 2020, began to study Node.js and implemented a discord bot based on the discord.js module with advanced functionality that allows you to increase the social experience on Discord servers and adds more functionality for administering them.

In March 2020, wrote a Bachelor's thesis at the institute using the MongoDB database on Node.js technology, the goal of the project was to create a service with synchronization of media content with optional registration or authorization of users in a service with separate rooms for users, an administration system for their owners and room moderators . During the implementation, a REST API was created allowing the integration of the service into other products.

In 2021, I wrote a web server based on http and fs packages for Node.js with the ability to host an unlimited number of sites linked to domains, I also implemented a system for tracking malicious requests and checking them in spam databases. A system with blacklists for ip, headers, requests has been implemented, middleware has been implemented for proxying sites from domains specified in the config to others.

In the same 2021, a module for tokenization and connections was implemented with the expectation of being used in future projects based on Node.js + MongoDB technology and packages uuid, ws

In 2022, implemented an http cors proxy server on Node.js with permission for POST and GET requests in the same year was created on Deno.js and allowed to implement any methods for requests

And also I created an application for real-time file synchronization between computers on Node.js and socket.io, fs packages

In 2022 was implemented in June 2022 and it was a service for controlling access and monetization of API services based on Deno.js + SQLite technology

My last project bot specially written to create beautiful and more functional offers specially for the "United Ukrainian Speaking Community" server for 10+ thousand users

πŸ“Œ Pinned git repositories

✨ Technology Stack


Links to other websites

πŸ“¨ My contacts


discord: fd#6297

email: full_droper@pm.me

πŸ”— Another



